ZE Lawgic
Law Office
Legal Solutions
We help with complex legal problems such as resolution of corporate conflicts in courts, representing parties in bankruptcy proceedings, family and inheritance law matters, as well as defend from criminal prosecution.
Strategy in every decision
ZE Lawgic
Law office
Legal Solutions
We help with complex legal problems such as resolution of corporate conflicts in courts, representing parties in bankruptcy proceedings, family and inheritance law matters, as well as defend from criminal prosecution.
Strategy in every decision
Criminal Defense
  • Protection at the stage of preliminary investigation and trial
  • Representing the interests of complaints
  • Conducting internal corporate investigations
  • Search and return of assets
  • Advising in tax audits involving officials of law enforcement agencies
  • Advising in interaction with law enforcement and supervisory authorities
  • Advising on emerging criminal risks
Protection of suspects and defendants, as well as representation of the interests of complaints in criminal cases in the field of fraud, misappropriation and embezzlement, abuse of authority, corruption, as well as tax crimes.
  • Full support of the bankruptcy procedure at any stage
  • Preparation and filing of an application to declaring a debtor bankrupt
  • Inclusion in the list of creditors' claims
  • Challenging the claims of unscrupulous creditors
  • Preparation of objections regarding the analysis of the financial condition of the debtor
  • Preparation of conclusions on the absence of signs of premeditated bankruptcy
We support bankruptcy procedures on the part of creditors, debtors and arbitration managers.
Family and Inheritance Disputes
Legal advice and representation in courts in case of family and inheritance conflicts.
  • Assets share in case of divorce, including foreign assets share
  • Accompanying the divorce process
  • Children related matters (guardianship and deprivation of parental rights)
  • Inheritance issues
  • Drafting marriage contracts
  • Recognition of invalid transactions concluded by former spouses
Legal Support of Contracts
Legal support of transactions and contractual work.
  • Drafting contracts
  • Negotiating with the parties
  • Control of contract execution
  • Legal due diligence
Arbitration and Litigation
  • Assessing the prospects for resolving the dispute
  • Preparing legal position and developing a defense strategy
  • Representation in courts
  • Drafting Arbitration Agreements
  • Preparing interim measures in arbitration and international litigation
  • Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards
  • Challenging court decisions
We assist with complex litigations in all regions of Russia and the CIS countries, including disputes with international elements.
Our Team